우수한 것 을 고르다 HDU 4011 Working in Beijing 베 이 징 에서 작업 (간단 한 시 뮬 레이 션 선택 분석) We can assume the important activities that Mr. M must attend are occupy a whole day. Sometimes the cost of flight is much higher than the loss of salary, so to save the cost on the travel, Mr. M can stay in Shanghai to ... HDU모방 하 다우수한 것 을 고르다
HDU 4011 Working in Beijing 베 이 징 에서 작업 (간단 한 시 뮬 레이 션 선택 분석) We can assume the important activities that Mr. M must attend are occupy a whole day. Sometimes the cost of flight is much higher than the loss of salary, so to save the cost on the travel, Mr. M can stay in Shanghai to ... HDU모방 하 다우수한 것 을 고르다